nrg prime GAS 4BUSINESS
The nrg Prime GAS 4BUSINESS plan for independent and shared heating systems, offers your company's natural gas supply with unique benefits. It provides energy rates at cost + 0,009€/kWh and full participation in state subsidies, making your daily operation easier and furthermore it offers:
- Free Healthcare Program for 1 year.
- 25€ Shell Fuel Gift Cards
- Exclusive fixed fee discounts.
- Zero guarantee deposit with standing bank order.
- Smart points per month, corresponding to your consumption.
Supply rates: 1,10€ x TTF + 0,009€/kWh
The natural gas supply rate shall be determined on the basis of the price of the Title Transfer Facility published by the European Energy Exchange “EEX”. The TTF value is equal to the TTF clearing value on the last day of the previous month, from the month invoiced each time. The price is published monthly on the EEX website here.
Natural Gas Supply charges and Natural Gas Transport charges
Prime registration fee: € 75, one-time fee in the 1st bill
Valid for new customers from 21/10/2022 to 30/11/2023
Fixed fee: €9/month
- Fixed fee discount with e-bill activation: -1€ /month
- Fixed fee discount with standing order activation: €-4/month
- Fixed fee discount with standing order and e-bill activation: €-5/month
To activate e-bill, enter mynrg and select e-bill from the settings. See step-by-step instructions to activate e-bill here.
The monthly fixed fee is for 30 calendar days. The charge of 1,10€ x TTF + 0,009€/kWh refers to the competitive part of the tariffs.
Zero guarantee deposit with standing payment order.
In order to activate the standing order for your bill payment, you will need to go to your bank's web banking site and using the payment code (RF) listed on the first page of your bill to activate your standing bank order. The process of activating the standing order is carried out exclusively through the banking system. Please contact your bank for further clarification and any problem you encounter during the activation process.
Find out about the regulated charges here.
The regulated charges are the same for all consumers, regardless of the energy provider they have chosen and are determined by the applicable legal and regulatory framework depending on the type of supply.